Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Does powder foundation blend as well as liquid foundation? What are the pros and cons of each?

Does powder foundation blend as well as liquid foundation? What are the pros and cons of each? Which is better for oily skin?Does powder foundation blend as well as liquid foundation? What are the pros and cons of each?
liquid foundation is so much better, for any type of skin, i would go to your mac counter right now and get studio fix fluid, its amazing and its soo good for your skin. i used to have oily skin and now as long as i keep it moisturized and since ive been using studio fix i havent had any problemsDoes powder foundation blend as well as liquid foundation? What are the pros and cons of each?
Mineral/powder foundation is less of a coverage but still protects your skin, and if it is minerals, it is very healthy for your skin too. Liquid conceals blemishes better, but if you are using a cheep brand then it can cause the problem more. So be sure to used something that has quality and is noncomendogenic (has nothing is it that is small enough to clog your pores)
I love the liquid minerals, I apply it with my kabuki brush I got from bare minerals. I like both liquid and powder, I use both. Not all powders and liquids are the same, everyone skin is so different. I can't even begin to fathom all the money I have spent trying to figure out what works the best!
powder is said to be better for oily skin as it will soak some up and the liquid makes it greasier usually because of its ingredients. Powder from experience highlights the areas on your skin that are dry, but if you aply liquid first it doesnt look as bad.
Just use both. Use a colored liquid foundation as the base and top it with a translucent colored powder to decrease shine and add a matte-finish.
powder is def. better for oily skin

its doesnt blen as well as liquid.

but liquid gives more coverage than powder.

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